
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Building Character, Building Community

An integral component of Mike's classroom is building character with his students to create a safe space for them to grow and learn together.  This positive sense of community instills pride and confidence and promotes risk-taking and collaboration.

Mike has identified four key character traits that he focuses on with his class and he looks for students demonstrating these traits.  Students are recognized for their hard work with "wall of fame" tickets to celebrate their accomplishments that become a part of their 7A Wall of Fame.

Along with his Wall of Fame, Mike has included many clever sayings in his classroom to have his students think about their actions and choices.

In addition to integrating character education into his program and recognizing his students, he also ensures and includes his students' work to honour their achievements.
In order to support his students, Mike also builds community by having anchor charts and aids up for his students to use and refer to when needed.  He co-constructs his anchor charts with his class and breaks down the many components together connected to the work or unit he is working on.

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