
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Anchor Charts for Literacy

Anchor charts are an important part of any classroom program as they help guide students in their work and connect to a prior lesson.  A key component of anchor charts is that they are co-constructed with students so they feel ownership of the information and ideas.

Here are a few of Iain's anchor charts for work previously done with his class:

Modelling and writing together, whether a reading response or during a writing lesson, is a great way to model and be explicit as to what is expected of students.

After administering the CASI assessment, Iain saw that he needed to work on summaries and main idea.  Below is a reading response piece written together with his students connecting these reading skills.  

In Fountas and Pinnell's book Guiding Readers and Writers, they lay out the First 20 Days of Reading, which sets up a clear structure of routines, procedures and organization for independent reading with your class.  Here is a link to the chapter: The First 20 Days of Independent Reading

Below are some of the anchor charts outlined by Fountas and Pinnell in this chapter.  Iain has referred to their notes and ideas and invited his students to share their ideas to co-create their classroom charts.


1 comment:

  1. After administering the CASI assessment, Iain saw that he needed to work on summaries and main idea. Below is a reading response piece written together with his students connecting these reading skills. bridal sets under 500 , vicky razai single price ,
